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Monday, December 24, 2007

600% Fun at the Sportforum Berlin

Good times had at the Sportforum in Lichtenberg where we saw the Eisbären Berlin play the Grizzly Adams Wolfsburg. Having long been a fan of Ice Hockey (or at least the Disney classic 'The Mighty Ducks') it has long been a dream of mine to see a game, having not had too many opportunities to do so in Australia. And it really, really had it all. Grace, violence, loud music, spectacular outfits and even more spectacular chants. What more could you want? I would particularly recommend their anthem "Hey, wir wollen die Eisbären seh'n" (which approximately translates to"Yeah, We Wanna See The Polar Bears") to fans of decent techno, and I will be sure to crack it out at my next party because it has the best beat that I have ever heard in a team song. Am I conveying how much fun this event was? I hope so. It does have to be said that the atmosphere has sobered a little here since the end of the game though. Having done a little bit of post game research I have discovered that there is a darker side to my beloved Ice Bears, as the club was founded by the sports association of the East German Police, Volkspolizei and the secret service, MfS (better known as the Stasi). But hey, how much can you hold against a big furry logo? Nothing is going to ruin my memories of the best day had with the Ice Bears. Oh yeah, they won by the way.

Pilgrims setting off for the game

The players in action

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